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What is Psychodynamic Counselling / Psychotherapy?

Psychodynamic counselling or psychotherapy (the terms may be used interchangeably) is derived from the work of Sigmund Freud and the early psychoanalysts but is fundamentally located in the present.

Simultaneously, the psychodynamic counsellor is concerned with the client’s life experiences whilst being quite preoccupied with the present moment. It is the present moment that guides the psychotherapist as he or she seeks to understand what is happening both inside and outside of the consulting room.

The psychodynamic counsellor needs to feel close enough to the client to maintain empathy and trust (otherwise known as the ‘therapeutic alliance’) but distant enough to retain the capacity to think independently.

If you hadn’t guessed it already, psychotherapy is a complicated endeavour! That’s why it’s important to find a therapist you can trust with training and experience. The good news is, I have excellent qualifications and almost a 10 years of experience working with people with complex mental health conditions.

The best way to learn about psychodynamic counselling is to try it for yourself. If you would like to find out more, I would be happy to answer your questions in person. Click here to contact me today.

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